Page name: Pokemon Trainer Dome [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-01-31 01:51:05
Last author: Paz
Owner: Paz
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Pokemon Trainer Dome!


Welcome all to the Pokemon Trainer Dome. This is a place were you can have your own little pokemon party and battle it out in the main arena for prize pokemon, rare pokemon and other prizes. Evolve your pokemon and train them to extra levels and such. When you start you shall recieve a starter pokemon of your choice. From any season or area. Any version. So have fun and battle your best.


How things work:
To battle over the comp. isn't as hard as it looks. When you recieve a pokemon. Like say Mudkip. You also get a set of attacks that the pokemon knows (but only 4 at a time) and a damage reading. No coin flipping likein the card game. All hits, hit. Weaknesses count as 10 extra damage, resistance as -10 damage. Rules will all be explained below.


Everyone here recieves their own trainer page (a wiki) and will keep stored data there. The template will be included below for how to create. People who do not follow the template will be erased and forced to start again. The wiki names will be simple. Just your username or '_____ Pokemon' something simple. Note in the comment boxes that you wish to join and I'll create a link on this page to your trainer section. You can do the rest from there.

Some things are not finished but when I have time I will post everything else.



Trainer Dome Rules
Trainer Dome Officials
Starter Pokemon
Rare Pokemon
Prize Pokemon
Trainer Dome Hall Of Fame
Trainer Page Template
Poke Pound
Trainer Dome Banners
Trainer Domer

Battle Arena

<<<Under construction, do not enter!

Catching Areas:
Volcano Mountain
Ocean Zone
Grassy Grasslands
Forest Realm
Industrial City
Pond Springs
Tundra Centre
Cave Area
Ocean Bottom
Desert Lands
Dragons Lair
Rainbow Valley Rare Zone!!! Be watchful!

Stone Shopee

Gyms: (There are eight in all)
Thunder Gym
Rock Gym
Bird Pokemon Gym
Fire Gym
Psychic Gym
Ice Gym
Water Gym
Dragonic Gym

Elite Four:
Elite Four
(This will be arranged when the top people are choosen to become the elite four)<<under construction



Trainer Wikis:

~Paz~(Champion Of Elite Four)<<Working on stats will be done soon
PyroBuggy(Elite Four member)
Azmaria_33(Elite Four Member)
Lunar Ghost
InuYasha's Trainer Page(Elite Four Member)
Darren Shan


NewsBoard: (What's Going on?)

6/15/05- The new person or name that will be doing all the wild pokemon battles on this wiki will be [Trainer Domer]. It's still me, [Paz] but I'll be under that alias when I battle as the wild pokemon for now on. Just a notice.

6/12/05- New Tournament at the Battle Arena, Newbie Challenge is now officially open to the public go and try your skills to win the prize.

6/11/05- I, [Paz] was made a Wiki Masters for this here Trainer Dome of mine! *dances*. In other news the stats for my pokemon are almost completely finished. 4 left! Also the catching areas are now open to the public. Once you've recieved your pokeballs and potions go ahead and begin!

10/6/05- I have been gone a while and I apologize to everyone here. I'm going to be leaving EP once more for awhile for work has begun to pile up on me and I can't take it anymore. My assisstant [Zap] will be glad to help you out if you need it. Ta


Created by [Paz]
All gifs are found on free gif websites

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2005-06-04 [Paz]: This place has finaaly been open and yet it still isn't finished. Took me four days to create @.@ ACK! Now just to get some members. the first person who wants to join get to be an attomatic member of the elite four with 16 good pokemon ^-^. Lets see who'll get the gold.

2005-06-04 [PyroBuggy]: ill join

2005-06-05 [Paz]: Okay, I'll create your account and mail you the password. Congrtulations! You are also the first member of the elite four ^-^

2005-06-05 [Psyknight]: cool place. i'll join

2005-06-05 [Paz]: okay, same as the rest

2005-06-05 [BroodingAngel]: can i join too?

2005-06-06 [Paz]: yup

2005-06-06 [BroodingAngel]: thanks

2005-06-07 [Paz]: welcome

2005-06-07 [Paz]: [PyroBuggy] you have to pick one starter pokemon!

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